LEGO Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 10304 Set Review

1 comment by Mark Gini

The Chevrolet car company has been around forquite some time. Since the car companies launched in 1911, they haveexperienced great success. They later became sponsors of Manchester United in2012, giving the company an added boost. There have been lots of car seriesproduced by this car company. One of the most popular was the Chevrolet Camaro.There are a lot of cars produced under the Chevrolet Camaro. But the one we arelooking into today is the Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 Race car. The car comes in theclassic V8 engine and three crankshafts. This car's many cool features make itpopular and loved among all other Chevrolet Camaro car brands. Are you a fan ofthe Chevrolet Camaro car brand? Would you love the opportunity to rebuild thiscar from scratch? If so, you would love the Legos set and the Chevrolet Camaroz/28 set. 

lego lights

This Lego set looks like the real-lifeChevrolet Camaro Z/28 car, with minor exceptions. The set comes in vibrantcolors and is customizable. The set is also a part of the Lego Technic collection.So you can expect the set to look as realistic as possible. Do you have kidswho love buildable Lego car sets? Or are you a Lego Technic car collector? Ifso, you will love working with this Lego set. This Lego set also has a goodbuilding experience that keeps builders engaged for a long time. This blog postwould be looking into everything you need to know about this set, including itsfeatures. We would also look at how our Lego lights would make this set lookeven more breathtaking. Let's start with the sets building experience. 

lego 10304


The Lego Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 set is part ofthe Lego Technic collection. You would need to use lots of Lego technics tobuild the set. The set comes with eight numbered bags to build the entire Legoset. The first, second, third, and fourth bag is used to build the set'sinterior. At the same time, the fifth to eighth bag is used to build the set'sexterior. And to complete the look of the Lego set, you have four tires thatare not part of the bag. The fine detail of this Lego set is it's customizable.This set is very complicated and can take longer to put together by the mostexperienced Lego builder. So if you do not have experience building Lego, youshould hold off on building this set. You could probably start with a lesscomplicated set. You could use a set from the Lego Speed Champions set to getthe most experience before moving to this Lego set. 

lego 10304

But if you feel you are up for this Lego set'schallenge, you could give it a shot. And to ensure that this process iscompleted easily, Lego has included a user manual in the set. The manualcontains a lot of cool information about the Lego set. It also containsinformation about the Chevrolet car company. But the most valuable informationyou would need is the diagrams and step-by-step instructions to build the set.The instructions from the manual are clear and easy to understand. The manualis designed to make your building of your Lego Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 set aseasy as possible. The Lego Chevrolet Camaro Z28 set also has lots of amazingfeatures. Let's consider some of these set features in the next section. 

lego lights



The Lego Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 set comes withtwo customizable set colors. You can choose from the white stripe color or thered striped one. This feature can be easily interchangeable. And gives youmultiple display capabilities and doubles the fun. 


Aside from the awesome privilege of being ableto customize your Lego set however you want. The Lego set also comes withrealistic-looking features. Features like the V8 engine and working steeringconnected to the front wheels. This means that the front wheels would move whenyou move the steering. The bodywork of the set also has a smooth overlay,making it feel like a real car. Accompanied with these details are twowell-designed license plates, which can be interchanged depending on the customizationyou choose.

lego 10304


The Lego Chevrolet Camaro Z28 set is builtwith the best materials. All the materials used in the building of this Legoset have been tested to ensure they are of top quality materials. So you can besure you get the best out of this Lego set. The set brick pieces are verycompatible and user-friendly. This means you could easily build and dismantlethis Lego set without any issue. If you choose to include this Lego set in yourcollection, you will not regret it. 

      SET SIZE.

The Lego Chevrolet Camaro Z28 set can beconsidered a medium size. The set comes with over 1000 pieces. The total numberof brick pieces for this Lego set is 1,456. When completely built, this Legoset measures 4 inches high, 6 inches wide, and 15 inches in dimension. Thisalso helps make this Lego set good for display. 


If you desire to buy this Lego set, you couldget the set from the Lego website, You could also check out if you haveaccess to a Lego store in your area. The Lego set could be expensive and costhigher or lower depending on location and currency denomination. You could getthe Lego Chevrolet Camaro Z28 set for about 170 dollars. This Lego set is worththe price because of the amount of Lego details and features the Lego setoffers. The Lego Chevrolet Camaro Z28 set is compatible with our amazing Lightkits. The next section will help you with all you need to know about ouramazing Lego lights.  

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The Lego Chevrolet Camaro Z28 set looks veryamazing and breathtaking. But you could make the Lego set look even moreauthentic looking with the help of our amazing light kits. Our light kits arewell designed to work perfectly with Lego sets. You can purchase our Legolights directly from our website Once you purchase ouramazing Lego lights, you can start the installation process. But before you dothis, here are a few things to keep in mind that would make the installationprocess much easier. 


If you are new to our Lego lights, you have noexperience. So, To ensure you get the installation right on your first try, itwould be best to make good use of the manual. This means reading through it andunderstanding each step takes a few minutes. Also, go through the manual toensure the diagrams ensure you understand each process. You could also watchvideos if you still find it difficult to understand exactly how the processworks. Once you understand the process, you can now install it. Make sure thatyou inspect all light kits and accessories. If you find any problem, request areplacement using your warranty card. If you follow all the instructionsoutlined, you are sure to find success. 


You must have successfully installed yourlight kit following the instructions. Before you go and show off your set tothe world, it would be wise to take a few minutes to test-run your light kit.You are doing this to make sure that everything works smoothly. Everything islikely working properly if you have inspected your light kit from thebeginning. If it is, you are free to show your Lego Nano Gauntlet to the world. 

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1 comment

  • TechnicTrucker

    I love the LEGO Technic trucks, but this Camaro z28 looks like a fun one to build, and it’s my favorite car. The trucks like this are super fun to build, haven’t built a technic car yet.

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