Enjoy epic movie moments when you build the LEGO Fast & Furious 19170 Dodge Charger R/T 76912 Set.

by Mark Gini

None of the characters in the Fast and Furiousmovie is more famous than Don Torreto. This character is almost superhuman inwhat he can do as he struggles to save the world. Don is by far the best driverin the entire movie. He is also super smart and can solve complex problems withhis master plans. Don is seen driving a lot of supercars throughout the Fastand Furious movie, from Ferraris and Lamborghinis. But non is closer to hisheart than the Dodge Charger. This is the car we see him in all the Fast andFurious movies, and we can safely say it is his baby.   Lego fans, have you ever wondered what thiscar would look like in Lego form? Well, you can now with the launch of the LegoTechnic set that replicates this car. 

lego lights

The set is the Lego Technic Fast and FuriousDodge Charger, so you can't miss it. The Lego set has many cool features thatwould keep any car fanatic engaged for hours. It all comes with many movableparts, which are just fun to put together. Do you have kids who love race cars?This set would be perfect for helping keep them engaged by doing somethingproductive for many hours. This Lego set also has a fantastic buildingexperience that is perfect for a technical builder. This post will cover allthis set has to offer, including how our Lego light kits would make this setlook so much better. So without wasting time, let's start with this Lego setsbuilding experience. 


The Lego Fast and Furious 1970 Dodge Chargerset is under the Lego speed champion collection, which explains why this set isso well built. Unlike other Lego Technic sets, the Dodge Charger has manymovable details that make it feel more authentic. Building all these details isno small task and would require lots of focus to accomplish. If you are not afan of Lego sets with overwhelming features, you may find this set a little bitannoying. But if you are a fan of a more technical build, consider this Legoset your baby. To achieve the overall design of this Lego set, you would needto accomplish a series of constructive moves. This makes this Lego set all themore fun to work with.  

If you are new to our Lego sets, this set maynot be a good place to start. Well, unless you have experience building puzzlesor know how to read and understand manuals. Speaking of manuals, this set comeswith a clear, easy-to-understand manual that you can easily understand. Themanual surprisingly contains no information on the production of the set and howit relates to the Fast and Furious movie. This little hiccup may be considereda huge downer to some. But aside from that little omission by the Lego team,the rest of the manual looks pretty detailed and will surely help you get thebest out of your building experience. Aside from a detailed buildingexperience, this set also has very cool features. Let's uncover some of thecool features of this Lego set. 

lego 76912



One of the most important features of this setis the Minifigure representing Dom Toretto. This looks almost identical to theLego technic Doms Dodge Charger, only smaller when scaled. The Minifigure fitsperfectly for your Lego set. Kids can create epic scenes with this Lego set.All they need is a little imagination; the sky is your limit with what you canachieve with the building of this set. The Minifigure adds an extra touch tothe set, making it feel and look all the more authentic.

lego 76912


This Lego set is smooth at all angles, makingit cool for display. Because of the set's small size, it can replicate all thefeatures of the movie dodge charger perfectly. Because of its neat look, youwould have friends looking at it with awe when they visit, making you feelprouder of all your hard work. This cool feature alone makes should be animportant reason why you add this Lego set to your collection. 


The Lego 1970 Dodge Charger R/T set looksidentical to the Lego technic Fast and Furious Dom's Dodge charger set. Theonly difference is that it is a bit smaller. So when looked at, one might notquickly see the similarities, but when you look at the number plates, you wouldsee the similarity to its Lego Technic counterpart. Because of this nifty coolfeature, some consider this set a nice easter egg. 

lego 76912


The Lego 1970 Dodge Charger set could beconsidered a set for kids due to its small size. Because of its small size, youcould easily move this set back and front by kids looking to experience epicFast and Furious moments. If this looks like the kind of experience you wouldwant your kids to have, then why not get this cool Lego set as a nice additionto their growing toy collection? 

     SET SIZE.

Throughout this post, we have dropped the hintthat this Lego set is pretty small, but we failed to tell you just how small.The Lego Fast and Furious 1970 Dodge Charger R/T set has 345 pieces. This Legoset measures about 2 inches high, 6.5 inches long, and 2.5 inches wide whencompletely put together. This makes it an awesome display set for yourchildren's table or top of the shelf alongside other great Lego masterpieces. 


You could buy the Lego 1970 Dodge Charger R/Tset from any Lego store in your area. You could also get it directly from theLego website or on amazon. The set, though is not may not be distributed enoughin some counties and could be hard to find casually in a Lego or Toy store. Ifyou live in such a country, purchasing this Lego set online would be best.Because of the small Lego sets, you could get them for an affordable 20.00 dollars.This may cost a bit higher depending on where you stay, and the availability ofthe Lego set in your area. But one thing is sure, the Lego 1970 Dodge ChargerR/T would be a cool set to include in your collection. Now to give your Legoset a complete look, you would need one more accessory, our Lego light kits.Let's find out more about it in the next section.

lego lights


As the heading suggests, your Lego Fast andFurious 1970 dodge charger would not be complete without our amazing Lego lightkit. Our light kit would help bring out the light in your Lego set, as it hasdone in thousands of Lego sets. Because of our one hundred percent track recordin giving the best services, your Lego set couldn't be in a better hand. Hereat Game of Bricks, we strive to give our customers the best experience with ourlight kit. So if you are new to our Lego lights, here are a few things to keepin mind as you install. 

Light kit for Fast & Furious 1970 Dodge Charger R/T 76912

Before you jump right into installing ourlight kit, it would be best if you took time off to inspect each light kitbefore installing it. Because so many light kits are shipped at once, somecommon sustain damage. If you notice any damage to your light kits, feel freeto request a replacement using your warranty card. And to avoid problems withyour light kit, ensure you buy them only from our website www.gameofbricks.com.Doing this would help reduce the stress of you having to return a damaged lightkit. 

Light kit for Fast & Furious 1970 Dodge Charger R/T 76912


Once you are installing your Lego lights, itwould be best to test run it. Doing this would help you quickly spot anyproblems with your sets. If you notice any problems like sparks or shakylights, that might help indicate a problem with your set. If you do noticethat, make sure to fix it as soon as possible. Once you successfully get yourLego set fixed, you could put it on display for all to see. 

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