The Ultimate Guide To Making Money With LEGOs

4 comments by Nikita P.

There are a million ways people use in making money and among them is making money with Legos. Some people may wonder is it even possible and if so is there any significant gain.


Many children around the can't wait to get home and play with their Legos. They have fun building their imaginations and tiring them down while playing. You may think that Legos are just kids' toys and nothing more we'll you are wrong. Many people around the world call themselves Lego enthusiasts. Adults would find joy in building different creations from those little building blocks. Unlike children, they don't play with them but admire their creation and the creation of their fellow enthusiasts.



The company Lego was founded in 1891 at a woodworking shop. The shop belonged to a carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen. The shop was located in a village in Denmark called Billund. Still named the automatic binding bricks, the first Lego set was produced back in 1949. Today the Lego company has evolved from a small carpenters workshop in Denmark to a multimillion-dollar industry and one of the largest toy companies in the world.

lego money


Although it was never intended as a means of investment, Lego's has become more than just toys for children. The act of investing in Legos began with its older and more popular sets like Star Wars and Harry potter. There are many ways to make money from Legos, ranging from companies making Lego-themed movies and merchandise to more common and simple methods. The most common way people make money from Legos is by buying, reselling and collecting lego for profit. There are thousands of Lego enthusiasts doing this today.



1. Reselling Lego's

The idea of reselling is based on the Lego company retiring the production of a set which in some cases increasing the demand for the retired set. The prize value of the retired sets may increase tremendously depending on the popularity of the set. Reselling Legos may sound simple at first but there are different methods, aspects, and things to consider when doing this. An Examples is


Knowing what to sell:

You can't just go around buying any Lego set or pieces. As there is no way of know when a set would be retired. Making research would help you a lot in the long run. A Site like Brick picker would help you a lot. Brick picker shows you the current starts and price of certain Lego sets. 


reselling lego


There are rare Lego sets that cost a lot more than others and their price keeps appreciating over time. Sets like the Lego ultimate collectors series Millenium falcon, Lego Market street, Lego Milk truck, Lego Airport shuttle, and Lego ultimate collectors series Imperial star destroyer. Some collectors scout for these series at a lower or reasonable price then sell them at a higher one. You must be aware about "Upcoming Lego sets 2023".



Before you start thinking about buying rare Legos here are some methods of selling you should know.

I know what you must be thinking! But no, you won't make this short from LEGO bricks. Else, how is it supposed to be worn? You can easily go to a store or mall and ask for this design. It has a pattern of LEGO bricks. Therefore, if your dad is a LEGO lover, he would enjoy wearing it. If you don't see the patterned shirt, you can also purchase t-shirts with LEGO designs in front.


-Buying new sets when they are released


-Buying used Sets from people


Buying new sets when they are released:


This involves buying new Lego sets when they are released and holding them till the sets become retired. Youmay decide to sell your collection immediately after they are retired. Depending on the popularity and demand of the set its price may increase immediately.


7. Blogging about Legos  This is another way to make money while sharing your passion with the rest of the world. Your post about your latest addition to your Lego collection. You could also talk to your fellow enthusiast about your favorite Legos. Blogging would also help you get access to other people's collections. If there is a piece missing from a set you own, one of your fans may be able to provide it at a reasonable price.   You can also make sales on your blog. If your blog becomes popular then selling merchandise and Lego sets would become easier for you.   In conclusion, there are many ways which you can use in making money from Legos


Holding it for longer periods lets the price build-up but there is an issue with this. The Lego company might re-release the set or released a special edition of the Lego set you are holding. This would cause depreciation in the Legos price value, creating losses for you so make sure you are aware of the risks. Also, remember that there is no way of knowing when the Lego company would retire production of any set or if they ever will so stay up to date.



Buying used or unopened Sets and Legos from people:


Buying used or unopened sets from people is another great way to make money from Legos. When talking about used Lego sets, you can either buy them from people while they are still in production by the Lego company or after the company has retired production. Here are other methods of selling used Legos,


-Reselling unopened sets


-Buying pieces in bulk and reselling by the pound


-Buying pieces in bulk to re-arrange as a complete set


Reselling unopened sets:


New or unopened sets are for a high price, Lego collectors pay a lot for a set of mint condition Legos. It best to buy the sets while they are still in production by the company or better still while they are on sale. Buy them this way, you could get them at a cheaper price. You could still buy unopened sets from other people before or even after they are retired from production.


Buying unopened sets from people after production has been stopped would be more expensive depending on the set and who you buy it from. Rare and popular sets like star wars would cost more and also bring more profit so it best to always keep an eye out for a good deal.



7. Blogging about Legos  This is another way to make money while sharing your passion with the rest of the world. Your post about your latest addition to your Lego collection. You could also talk to your fellow enthusiast about your favorite Legos. Blogging would also help you get access to other people's collections. If there is a piece missing from a set you own, one of your fans may be able to provide it at a reasonable price.   You can also make sales on your blog. If your blog becomes popular then selling merchandise and Lego sets would become easier for you.   In conclusion, there are many ways which you can use in making money from Legos


Buying pieces in bulk and reselling by the pound:


You don't necessarily have to buy them from other people, this tip is great for parents who want to reclaim the small fortune they spent on their kid's Legos. You might have a lot of Legos and want to sell them or it could even be that you want to buy from others who do. People may have incomplete Lego sets with no instruction manuals or any clue how to put them together.


Sites like Brick link and eBay could help take your incomplete bricks off your hands. You could also sell them locally by posting ads and setting up a yard sale. Another way is to buy other people's incomplete sets and selling them by their wait. If you look around enough you could find valuable pieces in your pile is incomplete sets. This brings us to our other point.



Buying pieces in bulk to re-arrange as a complete set:


Another way people make money from Legos is by buying pieces of incomplete sets and re-arranging them. You can either re-arrange them by color or if you are lucky enough and have time you could find missing pieces to re-arrange a complete set. Complete sets would fetch you way more money than selling in bulk but it depends on your shopping skills, luck, effort, and time.


You would be able to find lots of buyer on eBay or you could sell you complete sets on Brick link. Although unopened sets would sell for a higher price than used or re-arrangedsets, you would still be able to get a nice profit for your time and effort re-arranging.



Another way to make extra cash would be to sell the miniature figures separately as they would be more valuable if they were sold in that manner. Though the speed and price at which they would sell for is depending on the popularity of the figure. Figures from shows like star wars, Harry Potter, Avengers, and others would fetch you a decent price.



game of bricks lights

Things to consider:

Now that you know some of how you can resell Legos here are other things to consider once you start your business.

-Optimal condition



-Where to sell your Legos




Optimal condition:

You have to make sure that your Lego pieces remain in optimal condition. During rearranging, sellers should use that opportunity to clean their Legos. Even though the sets you have may already be opened you would be able to bargain for a better selling price if they are in great condition. Nobody would like to buy expensive an Lego set that looks beat up or warped. Climate is one factor that greatly affects the condition of your Lego pieces and sets. This brings us to the question "How should I store my Legos".



You would need a place to store your Legos as reselling would cause you to buy a lot of them. But you can't just put them anywhere as they have become more than just kid's toys to you, they are now a source of income.



You need to take the climate and size of the location you want to store them in. Another thing you would want to put into consideration is that you will be storing a lot of Legos. You can't just shove a tone of them randomly into a bag. You need to devise a system of arranging a locating your Legos. Some people have resulted in renting climate-controlled warehouses to store their Legos but those are people who deal on a large scale. If you are planning on reselling at a smaller rate then about the size of a garage would be sufficient. You should also aware about "Worst Lego Sets".


A great idea for arranging and locating your Legos would be putting them in plastic drawers with labels on them. Stack up the plastic drawers on a shelf so the labels can easily be visible. You could use plastic containers, the labels would be on the container lids. It would be better if the plastic containers were see-through enabling you to easily spot what you are looking for.

Using this method would help you make efficient use of your time. You wouldn't have to start looking through different containers for something that isn't in them. With just a little time you spend arranging you would increase your efficiency, knowing where a set or piece is located. Now that you know how to store them let's move on to the next step.




This is another important step when it comes to reselling Legos. You don't want your customers to receive damaged good because you didn't place your Legos in secure packaging. Depending on the many in which your Legos are packed you would be able to gain frequent and more potential customers. More customers equal you selling more Legos which equals you making more money.


So how should you package your Legos?. Your packaging could change depending on what you are sending. If it's a complete and unopened set then it likely that it would already have its original packaging. You could also take extra protective measures by placing the set in a fitting cardboard box.



What if it has already been opened and the original packaging is lots?. How you package in this case depends on if you want to send them pieces or you want to send it already built. You should know about "Lego Sets Retiring 2022".



Packaging pre-built Lego sets:

Though most people prefer to build the sets themselves, it possible to have an order for a pre-built set or gain more selling built sets. One major problem with selling pre-built sets is that's it takes more effort, and money to package the pre-built set. Even though you did your best packaging the set it might still arrive at its destination falling apart or with a broken piece. This happens especially when shipping across States or internationally. This could create losses for you as the customer may want a full refund or resolution.


lego lights


My advice would be to limit your selling of pre-built sets to your local area as it would remove the stress of transportation from your set.


Packaging disassembled and incomplete sets:


Packaging disassembled and incomplete set can be way more time-consuming than packaging a prebuilt set, but there is a difference in the effort. If it's a did assemble set you are packaging then you should arrange them in plastic bags labeled part by part. This makes it easier for the buyer to understand where all the parts are. 


When packing incomplete or building sets it best to arrange them in plastic bags by their color and place color labels on them. This way if the buyer wants a specific set piece or architecture's color, after that place the bags in a cardboard box.

Another step to take would be to wrap the pieces that have sharp or pointed edges in soft wrapping paper before you place them in cardboard boxes.



Where to sell your Legos?

If you are looking to sell un-opened Lego sets that are still in mint condition then Amazon is a great place to post your ads. Although they may take a few percent out of your profit, a lot of Lego enthusiasts go there to look for Legos.



If you want to sell used sets that are still complete and in good condition, there are tons of collectors on sites like eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook marketplace looking for missing pieces In their sets. They may also want to buy new Lego sets to add to their collection.


For architectural bricks and incomplete sets sites like Bricklink, Brickscout and Decluttr will help buy your Legos. They buy Legos not just as a set but also in weight.



This is the final step in reselling Legos, transporting the packaged Legos from your location to the buyers.



2. Lego ideas

Another way to make money from Legos without selling them is the Lego ideas 2023 site. If you are a Lego enthusiast who loves building Legos, then Lego-ideas is for you. You can come up with new designs and ideas for new Lego sets and get paid for them. All you have to do is build your idea either with physical bricks or a virtual building tool. After building post a picture or file containing your designs on the Lego idea website. 

Before you get paid your design has to be approved by Lego and upvoted by 10,000 people. If all these requirements are meant your design would be produced by Lego and you will get one percent of the net sales of every product inspired by your design. While one percent may seem small at first glance It all depends on your design. If it's really popular then lots of people will buy it making you more money.


3. Becoming a Lego builder

If you have immense skill and passion for Legos then you can earn money by becoming a Lego builder. Although making actual cash decent amounts from building Legos will take time and effort. There are different levels of Lego builders and they are


-Apprentice builder

-Senior builder

-Master builder


Apprentice builder:


An apprentice builder is a minion. They are builds who just started and their jobs are to spend hours gluing individual Lego pieces together, maintaining the exhibits in the pack and events. Their pay is 10 dollars per hour.


7. Blogging about Legos  This is another way to make money while sharing your passion with the rest of the world. Your post about your latest addition to your Lego collection. You could also talk to your fellow enthusiast about your favorite Legos. Blogging would also help you get access to other people's collections. If there is a piece missing from a set you own, one of your fans may be able to provide it at a reasonable price.   You can also make sales on your blog. If your blog becomes popular then selling merchandise and Lego sets would become easier for you.   In conclusion, there are many ways which you can use in making money from Legos


Senior builder:

The job of a senior builder is not so different from that of an apprentice builder. He does the same jobs but with added responsibilities. He helps to oversee the procedures in the pack and assist the master builder. Their pay is 12 dollars per hour


Master builder:


The title of the master builder is granted to only a few very skilled and experienced Lego builders. There are only 40 master builders across the world at all Lego parks and event centers. A master builder is appointed directly by Lego which explains the reason for the few numbers.


The Job of a master builder is to design new leg exhibits and also build and install them. The master-builder is also tasked with teaching master-builder classes participating and participating in events. They also act as media representatives and oversee and if necessary make repairs to the Lego structures.



Master builders travel a lot as they are very few so they have to go from one event center to another. Although the job takes a lot of skills and experiences its pay is not that majestic. A master builder only earns about 40,000 dollars per year. It might be a fun job for someone who wants to take their passion for Legos to the next step. Even in your free time, you will be able to make money creating Lego structures for child's parties.


4. Making videos and streams about Legos


If selling Legos doesn't flote your boat then making videos on your Lego collection is another way to make money. There are tons of videos on the internet and streaming apps like YouTube where Lego enthusiasts showcase their collection.



You could be one of those people, sharing your passion with the rest of the world. You could make unboxing videos on newly released sets. You could also make educational videos on how to build specific sets. While you are sharing your passion with the world you could be making money using ads on streaming platforms.

making money with lego using ads

5. Lego-inspired art

There are tons of people making arts inspired by the little building blocks, from paintings to portraits and other designs. If you made these you would be able to sell them for money. People love buying art inspired by famous things.


6. Lego-inspired merch


Mech creators can also look to Legos for design inspiration. It's possible to make money selling Lego-inspired clothes, shoes, bags, keychains, the list goes on. The popularity of Legos makes them perfect for this as not only little kids but adults would wear Lego-inspired merchandise. If someone is looking for a gift for a friend who happens to be a Lego enthusiast the maybe a Lego mug would be fitting. You could also make money selling Lego jewelry like earrings, necklaces, and hand bangles


7. Blogging about Legos


This is another way to make money while sharing your passion with the rest of the world. Your post about your latest addition to your Lego collection. You could also talk to your fellow enthusiast about your favorite Legos. Blogging would also help you get access to other people's collections. If there is a piece missing from a set you own, one of your fans may be able to provide it at a reasonable price.


You can also make sales on your blog. If your blog becomes popular then selling merchandise and Lego sets would become easier for you.



In conclusion, there are many ways which you can how to make money with Legos.


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  • Adamforrester

    I do not play with my Lego if they want them they can call me at 414 640 6790

  • Frank Riggio Jr

    Is there a website that I could join to make extra money built in lagos at home

  • Willie


  • Matt

    What about ordering bulk lego pieces for cheap on ebay then making really cool designs out of them and selling each lot for each specific design for way more than what you got them for? Aren’t there a ton of people whom love the challenge of figuring out how to do something without the step by step instructions? Alternatively could one not just find a way to ship each whole piece without deconstructing it too much?

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